Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Peru Info

The first settlers reached Peru some 20,000 years ago. They brought stone tools and were hunter-gatherers, living off game and fruit…

The Pre-Incas Cultures
Over the course of 1400 years, pre-Inca cultures settled along the Peruvian coast and highlands. The power and influence of some civilizations…

The Incas
The Inca empire (1200 – 1500 BC) was possibly the most organized civilization in South America. Their economic system, distribution of wealth, artistic..

The encounter between 2 worlds
The encounter between the Inca culture and Hispanic culture got underway as a result of the Spanish conquest in the early sixteenth century…
Birth of the Peruvian State
Peru was declared an independent nation by Jose de San Martin in 1821, and in 1824 Simon Bolivar put an end to the War of Independence…

Peru Today

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